Table of Contents

In this article we analyse the 2017 performance for quant funds which tended to underperform, the number one cause merely is – the lack of volatility. No movement means no range which in turn means far fewer opportunities.

For more significant quant funds, with the positive attention they received over the last decade we find they attracted too much money too quickly and more people who use the same strategy will ultimately see a deterioration of its edge over time. The markets over the last decade have been a machine utopia but, as the competition has increased the machines are starting to skirmish with each other. Robots trading against robots is what the future of quant funds has become, and the prize has been getting smaller with each subsequent year.


Putting the big quant firms aside, how do the small algorithmic trading systems hold up?

The smaller companies often are far nimbler than the substantial quant funds; they utilise strategies which revolve around liquidity and usually will have a maximum ceiling on the total capital which can be utilised. Still, 2017 was deemed to be a challenging year, again mostly attributed to the low volatility.

From our own experience, we utilise a portfolio of systems which are in turn market neutral. In a day trading setting where volume is highest, our robots can get in without creating so much as a splash and get out unseen from the prying eyes of other much more prominent robots.


A case study to find reasons why so many funds might have struggled in 2017

We will base this on systems which trade one of the most liquid markets on earth, the Emini S&P 500 Futures market (ES) – which trades on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. In all this analysis we have the following criteria:

  • -Day trading only and never holding positions overnight
  • -Data is based on the day trading session only from 830am Central time to 315pm Central.
  • -We cannot take overnight moves into account as we cannot trade them.


1. Our results show data for the ES futures markets

  • -Only 11 days this year with over 1%-day trading range in 2017.
  • -To put this in perspective in 2016 which was still not a volatile year (except Jan and Feb) we had 86 days with over a 1% move.
  • -11 days in 2017 with 1% range compared to 86 days with 1% range in 2016 – this is a large variance.
  • -To put things in perspective further, just looking at a moderately volatile year like 2011 there were 168 days of the trading year with higher than a 1% range.


Table 1: Days with over 1% range:  

Year       2017       2016       2015       2014       2013       2012       2011       2010       2009       2008
1% Rng       11       87       124       77       69       97       168       158       216       228

Mean: 2008-2016 – 136

The average from 2008 to 2016 is 136 trading days in a year with a range over 1%. Hence, 2017 is an outlier; it is statistically -2.097 standard deviations away from the mean (2016-2008).


Low Volatility setting continual records in 2017

Chart 1: VIX Index

VIX (volatility index): 2017 the whole year was nearly below all-time volatility lows.

The VIX chart above shows another record for 2017 by setting the lowest volatility ever recorded.

The all-time lowest VIX close was 9.14 on Friday 3 November 2017.

The 20 lowest VIX closes have been the following:

Fri 03 Nov 2017 = 9.14

Thu 05 Oct 2017 = 9.19

Wed 22 Dec 1993 = 9.31

Mon 11 Dec 2017 = 9.34

Fri 21 Jul 2017 = 9.36

Mon 06 Nov 2017 = 9.40

Tue 25 Jul 2017 = 9.43

Mon 24 Jul 2017 = 9.43

Mon 02 Oct 2017 = 9.45

Thu 23 Dec 1993 = 9.48

Tue 03 Oct 2017 = 9.51

Fri 29 Sep 2017 = 9.51

Fri 14 Jul 2017 = 9.51

Thu 28 Sep 2017 = 9.55

Fri 08 Dec 2017 = 9.58

Thu 20 Jul 2017 = 9.58

Fri 22 Sep 2017 = 9.59

Wed 26 Jul 2017 = 9.60

Fri 13 Oct 2017 = 9.61

Wed 04 Oct 2017 = 9.63

Almost all 20 all-time lowest VIX closes occurred in 2017, except two consecutive days 22-23 December 1993 – just before the holidays.

Further statistics show that sub-10 VIX closes in 2017 were 79 days, this compared to sub-10 VIX closes before 2017 running from 1990 to 2016 we had only 18 days. Truly shocking that there were four times as many sub-10 closes in 2017 than the previous 27 years combined.

With this data at hand, one strategy for smaller investors would be to buy volatility; this strategy can be achieved via VIX Futures, VIX Call options or VIX ETF.


2. Identifying other causes for the problematic year?

Algo trading systems had a challenging year, first as mentioned above the volatility is perhaps the dominant factor. Another reason is the number of down days which stayed down, also known as trend days down. Many Short (make money from downside moves) only systems catch big moves down historically but in 2017 we have seen that time, and time again there were constant rebounds for any potential down day. Any human day trader could adjust quickly to recognise this pattern, and dip buying ensued. See the following data:


Table 2: Trend days down (a day which opened near the high of the day and closed near low of day)

Year      2017      2016      2015      2014      2013      2012      2011      2010      2009      2008
Trend Down      16      21      36      30      23      35      33      33      34      50

Mean: 2008-2016 – 32.7

2017 shows only 16 such trending down days.

Next factor is trend days up, considering the market has been one of the most one-sided in history we would assume many Long only systems would have performed exceptionally:


Table 3: Trend days up (a day which opened near the low of the day and closed near high of day)

Year    2017      2016      2015      2014      2013      2012      2011      2010      2009      2008
Trend Up    34      42      47      49      50      52      41      43      42      47

Mean: 2008-2016 – 45.8

Strangely enough, we find 2017 has the least trend days up in the last decade, this is peculiar considering the market theme. The fundamental reason for this is many days the moves were stolen overnight in which the market gapped up.

Liquidity and Volume for 2017 were extraordinarily low. Low volume causes more slippage and indicates the lack of range and movement. 2017 the underlying market theme was dominated by a consistent daily chop. See the following data:


Table 4: Volume

Year      2017      2016      2015      2014      2013      2012      2011      2010      2009      2008
Volume (millions)      268      362      364      324      347      355      477        433      460      523

Mean: 2008-2016 – 405 million

2017 indeed was a bizarre year, one which I have never seen in my long tenure trading futures markets. Most days were like watching paint dry and therefore many day traders and quants I know went days barely glancing at the stale quotes. Whereas the longer-term charts we have almost a parabolic move up in nearly all equity markets, there is yet to be any real down moves for nearly a decade now! Is this what the massive intervention of Central Banks has caused and what is the end game?

Statistically, we find it hard for this type of year with all its extremes to transpire again. Our recommendation for both larger and smaller firms alike is to view this very much as an outlier. The historically low volatility has very little chance of being replicated, particularly the 11 down days with over 1%-day trading range – that is so far from the mean it boggles the mind.

Some day traders or quants are diverting their skills to cryptocurrency trading. With these markets now available to trade at futures exchanges can only mean a pick-up volume for these new types of asset classes.

All data suggests that 2017 was a record-setting year and in the wrong areas for day traders.


swing trading strategies and tactics

Swing Trading Strategy

In this blog post we will introduce you to the swing trading itself, swing strategies and techniques without hyperbolizing potential...

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**Commodity Future and Trading Commission Futures has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the futures markets. Do not trade with money you cannot afford to lose. The past performance posted on is not necessarily indicative of future results. Quant Savvy provides trading algorithms based on a computerized system. All advice is impersonal and not tailored to any specific individual’s unique situation. Quant Savvy, and its principles, are not required to register with the NFA as a CTA and are publicly claiming this exemption. Information posted online or distributed through email has NOT been reviewed by any government agencies — this includes but is not limited to back-tested reports, statements and any other marketing materials. Carefully consider this prior to purchasing our algorithms. For more information on the exemption we are claiming, please visit the NFA website: If you are in need of professional advice unique to your situation, please consult with a licensed broker/CTA. **DISCLAIMER: Commodity Futures Trading Commission Futures trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the futures markets. Don’t trade with money you can’t afford to lose. This is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell futures. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this website or on any reports. 

The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results. ***All returns posted on this site and in our videos is considered Backtested Trading Performance. Backtested trading results have many inherent limitations, some of which are described below. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown. In fact, there are frequently sharp differences between backtested trading results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any particular trading program. One of the limitations of backtested trading results is that they are generally prepared with the benefit of hindsight. In addition, backtested trading does not involve financial risk, and no backtested trading record can completely account for the impact of financial risk in actual trading. For example, the ability to withstand losses or adhere to a particular trading program in spite of trading losses are material points which can also adversely affect actual trading results. There are numerous other factors related to the markets in general or to the implementation of any specific trading program which cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of backtested performance results and all of which can adversely affect actual trading results. 

CFTC RULE 4.41 – Hypothetical or simulated performance results have certain limitations. Unlike an actual performance record, simulated results do not represent actual trading. Also, since the trades have not been executed, the results may have under — or over — compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profit or losses similar to those shown. Statements posted from our actual customers trading the algorithms (algos) include slippage and commission. Statements posted are not fully audited or verified and should be considered as customer testimonials. Individual results do vary. They are real statements from real people trading our algorithms on auto-pilot and as far as we know, do NOT include any discretionary trades. Tradelists posted on this site also include slippage and commission. All advice and/or suggestions given in Quant Savvy website are intended for running automated software in simulation mode only. Trading futures is not for everyone and does carry a high level of risk. All past performance shown is backtested data only.